​​​https://www.nnc.kz/media/hea/files/Sa99lFlZTx.pdf  ВРТБ турбина


t/39341_v-kazakhstane-proizvodyat-vetrogeneratory-bashni-s-minimalnymi-urovnyami-shuma  wind turbines-towers with minimal noise levels

https://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/uploadfolder/IJCIET_10_04_040/IJCIET_10_04_040.pdf   ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES IN SMALL BUSINESS

https://dknews.kz/inner-news.php?id_cat=27%20&&%20id=11618  Wind Energy's 14kW Microgrid Product for Rural household in Kazakhstan

​https://www.thegef.org/sites/default/files/project_documents/6-13-17_-_ProDoc.pdf  VRTB windrotor Bolotov, page 102-103

https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/energy/se/pdfs/gee21/projects/SynthesisReport_e.pdf  United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Sustainable Energy Division 


​https://www.eg-online.ru/article/353225/  How grows the "green" energy of Kazakhstan

https://24.kz/ru/archive/news/expo/item/178447-moshchnaya-vetrovaya-turbina-ustanovlena-po-doroge-iz-aeroporta-astany?fbclid=IwAR1iORA3WmbAKZGYd__gw0apnsKrDm87NRDW4n-rNrEKU0fmWXlbHJt00-k  EXPO 2017 Astana 

http://ecology.md  ВРТБ ветровая турбина, WRTB/VRTB turbine

​https://t.co/lbdUaOaK5K Powerful wind turbine installed on the road from Astana airport Microgrid WRTB

​https://kapital.kz/economic/67212/vsego-tri-hozyajstva-mangistau-rabotayut-s-vie.html  Who helps farmers switch to alternative energy sources. Microgrid WRTB​

https://issuu.com/kzenergy.kz/docs/energy_12.2014   Power engineering and electric equipment #11-12.2014

http://savonius-balaton.hupont.hu/94/enecsis-windrotor-bolotov-russian Catalog VAWT Hungery

https://ecoteco.ru/id569/  Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines Wind farm VVT "ENECSIS»  Microgrid WRTB (history)​



https://ru-clip.net/rev/savonius/CKYEEAE  VRTB WRTB turbine - Wind Self Powered Communication Tower, since 2009.Site-www.windrotor-bolotov.com, Autonomous Wind Energy Turbines, VRTB turbines, Communication Tower, First VRTB Turbine Still Working Today 1996 year WINDROTOR BOLOTOV - . Site - windrotor-bolotov.com

https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/energy/se/pdfs/gee21/projects/SynthesisReport_e.pdf    Construction of new modular vertical-axis rotor turbine (VRTB) of Bolotov ... On the basis of this turbine, the enterprises of Kazakhstan....

https://www.twipu.com/windrotorWRTB Windrotor Bolotov technologies design and manufacturing high performance Vertical wind turbines WRTB/VRTB for Communication Towers. info@windrotor-bolotov.comhttp://www.windrotor-bolotov.com

https://strategy2050.kz/en/news/445/ BOLOTOV'S WIND ROTOR - KAZAKHSTAN KNOW-HOW WHICH DOESN'T HAVE ANALOGS IN THE WORLD More than 50 stations with Bolotov's wind rotor turbines - the Kazakhstan know-how which doesn't have analogs in the world, work in Kazakhstan.


​​https://energo.house/veter/vetrovaya-turbina.html#i-7  Вeтpoвaя poтopнaя тypбинa Бoлoтoвa — The wind turbine is based on the development of the family of Bolotov

https://greenenergytime.com/vertical-axis-wind-turbine-vrtb-www-windrotor-bolotov-com-expo-2017/  Vertical Axis Wind Turbine VRTB www windrotor-bolotov.com EXPO 2017

http://eco-wind-turbines.blogspot.com/p/about-us.html Windrotor Bolotov

http://www.technologijos.lt/n/technologijos/energija_ir_energetika/S-78917/#  Let's use renewable energy for our own needs: why special VAVJ power plants based on the Rotor-Stator principle and why it is the most efficient solution for small power plants.


Ветровая роторная турбина Болотова - Читайте подробнее на FB.ru: https://fb.ru/article/352173/vertikalnyie-vetrovyie-turbinyi

http://green-dom.info/3-%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0/%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8-%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0/ ВРТБ — ветровая роторная турбина Болотова.


http://kazenergy.kz//arhiv/69/mobile/index.html#p=6​   "Ветроэнергетика -пути развития" page [18-23]


The III Renewable Energy Summit will take place in the Kazakh capital on September 25, 2019.


​​​© Copyright 2019 Windrotor Bolotov wind power - All Rights Reserved VRTB turbine WRTB turbine vertical wind turbine

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https://bigdream.kz/blog/43-3 Турбина Болотова/Bolotov turbine

​WRTB / VRTB TURBINE vertical wind turbine

windrotor Bolotov VRTB turbine WRTB turbine

​​May 2019 № 28-29 VRTB turbine WRTB turbine Windrotor Bolotov 

The publications and presentations on Future Energy

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Positive reference from the Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan about work of our company.



VRTB turbine WRTB turbine windrotor bolotov
windrotor bolotov VRTB turbine WRTB turbine

The company "Windrotor Bolotov" Ltd can supply turbines and ready-made solutions VRTB / WRTB Microgrid. The cost savings and environmental benefits of these proposals are significant because they eliminate the need for fossil fuels and provide energy for many years.

Information www.windrotor-bolotov.com

windrotor bolotov VRTB turbine WRTB turbine ВРТБ турбина


 Международная агроинженерия 2019. №2                                           International Agricultural Engineering 2019. No. 2